Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Well that was really fun.........

Well that was fun.

Today we went to Muscatatuck, this is a search(in all forms) playground .Let me explain, information about the venue is available on.     so I am not giving away secrets

This is Disneyland for those who search, and want to improve search skills, not only for the SAR community but police and military.

We were given a tour of the facility, you can practice water rescue on a sunken village!!!!  



Practice open search on hug areas of hills and variable terrain

Practice building search (and various agencies do) for everything from IEDs to small concealed hides, some of the roads includes exploding vehicles.

The ability to collapse, and raise a multi storey car park for the purpose of search and dog search for hrd is very impressive.


This is a great venue …….a bit far to travel but  


  1. So when we gonna get one of these in Kent? :o)

    Enjoying the blog, its nice to see how the other half live/deal with SaR.

  2. Replies
    1. Andy,I assure this was only the stuff I could take pics of as its military you will understand there are bits they showed but were unwilling to allow pic taken of
